ظننته سيسعدني

بودكاست البحث عن معنى

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كم تدوم سعادتك بعد أن يتحقق حلم انتظرته طويلاً؟-- لعك انتظرت طويلاً ذلك الحدث الذي سيمثل النهاية السعيدة ويعلن عن اختفاء مشاكلك..وفعلاً حدث.. لكن لماذا لا تدوم السعادة؟ لماذا عمر الفرحة قصير؟ ------------------.- شكر خاص للأخت لين الطريقي لمساهمتها في كتابة الحلقة ------------------. - REFERENCES Bartels, M., - Boomsma, D. I. (2009). Born to be happy? The etiology of subjective well-being. Behavior Genetics, 39(6), 605-615. Brickman, P., - Campbell, D. T. (1971). Hedonic relativism and planning the good society. In M. H. Appley (Ed.), Adaptation-level theory: A symposium (pp. 287-305). Academic Press. Diener, E., - Seligman, M. E. P. (2004). Beyond money: Toward an economy of well-being. Psychological Science in the Public Interest, 5(1), 1-31. Diener, E., Lucas, R. E., - Scollon, C. N. (2006). Beyond the hedonic treadmill: Revising the adaptation theory of well-being. American Psychologist, 61(4), 305-314. Emmons, R. A., - McCullough, M. E. (2003). Counting blessings versus burdens: An experimental investigation of gratitude and subjective well-being in daily life. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 84(2), 377-389. Fredrickson, B. L., Cohn, M. A., Coffey, K. A., Pek, J., - Finkel, S. M. (2008). Open hearts build lives: Positive emotions, induced through loving-kindness meditation, build consequential personal resources. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 95(5), 1045-1062. Frederick, S., - Loewenstein, G. (1999). Hedonic adaptation. In D. Kahneman, E. Diener, - N. Schwarz (Eds.), Well-being: The foundations of hedonic psychology (pp. 302-329). Russell Sage Foundation. Helliwell, J. F., Layard, R., - Sachs, J. D. (2020). World happiness report 2020. Sustainable Development Solutions Network. Kahneman, D., Fredrickson, B. L., Schreiber, C. A., - Redelmeier, D. A. (1993). When more pain is preferred to less: Adding a better end. Psychological Science, 4(6), 401-405. Keng, S. L., Smoski, M. J., - Robins, C. J. (2011). Effects of mindfulness on psychological health: A review of empirical studies. Clinical Psychology Review, 31(6), 1041-1056. Klausen, S. H., Emiliussen, J., Christiansen, R., Hasandedic-Dapo, L. - Engelsen, S. (2022). The many faces of hedonic adaptation. Philosophical Psychology, 35(2), 253-278. Lucas, R. E. (2007). Adaptation and the set-point model of subjective well-being: Does happiness change after major life events? Current Directions in Psychological Science, 16(2), 75-79. Lucas, R. E., Lawless, N. M., - Furr, R. M. (2020). The happiness set point: Theory, evidence, and implications for policy. Social and Personality Psychology Compass, 14(3). Lykken, D., - Tellegen, A. (1996). Happiness is a stochastic phenomenon. Psychological Science, 7(3), 186-189. Lyubomirsky, S., Sheldon, K. M., - Schkade, D. (2005). Pursuing happiness: The architecture of sustainable change. Review of General Psychology, 9(2), 111-131. McEwan, I. (1997). Enduring love. Jonathan Cape. Sheldon, K. M., - Lucas, R. E. (eds.). (2014). Stability of happiness. Theories and evidence on whether happiness can change. Elsevier. Wills, T. A. (1981). Downward comparison principles in social psychology. Psychological Bulletin, 90(2), 245-271.

ظننته سيسعدني

بودكاست البحث عن معنى

3 subscribers

كم تدوم سعادتك بعد أن يتحقق حلم انتظرته طويلاً؟-- لعك انتظرت طويلاً ذلك الحدث الذي سيمثل النهاية السعيدة ويعلن عن اختفاء مشاكلك..وفعلاً حدث.. لكن لماذا لا تدوم السعادة؟ لماذا عمر الفرحة قصير؟ ------------------.- شكر خاص للأخت لين الطريقي لمساهمتها في كتابة الحلقة ------------------. - REFERENCES Bartels, M., - Boomsma, D. I. (2009). Born to be happy? The etiology of subjective well-being. Behavior Genetics, 39(6), 605-615. Brickman, P., - Campbell, D. T. (1971). Hedonic relativism and planning the good society. In M. H. Appley (Ed.), Adaptation-level theory: A symposium (pp. 287-305). Academic Press. Diener, E., - Seligman, M. E. P. (2004). Beyond money: Toward an economy of well-being. Psychological Science in the Public Interest, 5(1), 1-31. Diener, E., Lucas, R. E., - Scollon, C. N. (2006). Beyond the hedonic treadmill: Revising the adaptation theory of well-being. American Psychologist, 61(4), 305-314. Emmons, R. A., - McCullough, M. E. (2003). Counting blessings versus burdens: An experimental investigation of gratitude and subjective well-being in daily life. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 84(2), 377-389. Fredrickson, B. L., Cohn, M. A., Coffey, K. A., Pek, J., - Finkel, S. M. (2008). Open hearts build lives: Positive emotions, induced through loving-kindness meditation, build consequential personal resources. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 95(5), 1045-1062. Frederick, S., - Loewenstein, G. (1999). Hedonic adaptation. In D. Kahneman, E. Diener, - N. Schwarz (Eds.), Well-being: The foundations of hedonic psychology (pp. 302-329). Russell Sage Foundation. Helliwell, J. F., Layard, R., - Sachs, J. D. (2020). World happiness report 2020. Sustainable Development Solutions Network. Kahneman, D., Fredrickson, B. L., Schreiber, C. A., - Redelmeier, D. A. (1993). When more pain is preferred to less: Adding a better end. Psychological Science, 4(6), 401-405. Keng, S. L., Smoski, M. J., - Robins, C. J. (2011). Effects of mindfulness on psychological health: A review of empirical studies. Clinical Psychology Review, 31(6), 1041-1056. Klausen, S. H., Emiliussen, J., Christiansen, R., Hasandedic-Dapo, L. - Engelsen, S. (2022). The many faces of hedonic adaptation. Philosophical Psychology, 35(2), 253-278. Lucas, R. E. (2007). Adaptation and the set-point model of subjective well-being: Does happiness change after major life events? Current Directions in Psychological Science, 16(2), 75-79. Lucas, R. E., Lawless, N. M., - Furr, R. M. (2020). The happiness set point: Theory, evidence, and implications for policy. Social and Personality Psychology Compass, 14(3). Lykken, D., - Tellegen, A. (1996). Happiness is a stochastic phenomenon. Psychological Science, 7(3), 186-189. Lyubomirsky, S., Sheldon, K. M., - Schkade, D. (2005). Pursuing happiness: The architecture of sustainable change. Review of General Psychology, 9(2), 111-131. McEwan, I. (1997). Enduring love. Jonathan Cape. Sheldon, K. M., - Lucas, R. E. (eds.). (2014). Stability of happiness. Theories and evidence on whether happiness can change. Elsevier. Wills, T. A. (1981). Downward comparison principles in social psychology. Psychological Bulletin, 90(2), 245-271.

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