Episode 8: Healthcare and Organizational Transformation Strategies with Dr. Mohamed Saleh

Business Pharaohs

1355 subscribers

Our featured Guest is Dr. Mohamed Saleh an executive Lean advisor, Professor, Founder of Vizibility LLC and the M+ Group. Dr. Saleh has a successful track record anchored in two decades of hands-on Lean experience with a strong interest in making a global difference by providing distinctive leading-edge Lean-inspired education and advisory services aimed at helping organizations in healthcare and other industries achieve the highest levels of performance excellence. He’s an international speaker, writer, mentor, executive coach and experienced trainer with the ability to relate to all levels within an organization. His distinguishing factors include people skills, setting Lean visions, advising on system designs and leading full enterprise-wide organizational change. He has a doctorate in Business Administration and teaches at both the School of Engineering & Technology Management at Central Connecticut State University and MBA School at Elms College.  Connect with Mohamed Saleh LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/mohamed-saleh-phd/ M-Plus: https://www.themplusgroup.com/ Vizibility LLC: https://vizllc.com/  Check out Business Pharaohs Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/businessphar... Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/businesspha... Website: www.businesspharaohs.com  Connect With Samer Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/samerkh_/ LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/samerkh/ As always, the link is in the BIO @businesspharaohs⁣⁣

Episode 8: Healthcare and Organizational Transformation Strategies with Dr. Mohamed Saleh

Business Pharaohs

1355 subscribers

Our featured Guest is Dr. Mohamed Saleh an executive Lean advisor, Professor, Founder of Vizibility LLC and the M+ Group. Dr. Saleh has a successful track record anchored in two decades of hands-on Lean experience with a strong interest in making a global difference by providing distinctive leading-edge Lean-inspired education and advisory services aimed at helping organizations in healthcare and other industries achieve the highest levels of performance excellence. He’s an international speaker, writer, mentor, executive coach and experienced trainer with the ability to relate to all levels within an organization. His distinguishing factors include people skills, setting Lean visions, advising on system designs and leading full enterprise-wide organizational change. He has a doctorate in Business Administration and teaches at both the School of Engineering & Technology Management at Central Connecticut State University and MBA School at Elms College.  Connect with Mohamed Saleh LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/mohamed-saleh-phd/ M-Plus: https://www.themplusgroup.com/ Vizibility LLC: https://vizllc.com/  Check out Business Pharaohs Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/businessphar... Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/businesspha... Website: www.businesspharaohs.com  Connect With Samer Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/samerkh_/ LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/samerkh/ As always, the link is in the BIO @businesspharaohs⁣⁣

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