029: Leave Britney Alone

Mstdfr | مستدفر

1 subscribers

In this episode we host Alaa Balkhy, Saudi fashion blogger and founder of Fyunka. We talk about the origin of the Fyunka brand, fashion blogging, the resilience of the web, the ethics of social media advertising, and a lot more. -Show-Links - The Uber Redeisgn - Fyunka - Arabic 80% - English 20%

029: Leave Britney Alone

Mstdfr | مستدفر

1 subscribers

In this episode we host Alaa Balkhy, Saudi fashion blogger and founder of Fyunka. We talk about the origin of the Fyunka brand, fashion blogging, the resilience of the web, the ethics of social media advertising, and a lot more. -Show-Links - The Uber Redeisgn - Fyunka - Arabic 80% - English 20%

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