#185 Implied Meaning in English

The Level Up English Podcast

72 subscribers

As you might know, English isn-t like how we find it in textbooks. In day-to-day conversations, we often don-t speak in full sentences, and so much of what we say is implied (this means, it-s hinted at without actually saying it).In this episode, I look at some examples of implied meaning or -language ambiguity- and teach some phrases you can use in different situations.Show notes page-- https://levelupenglish.school/podcast185Sign Up for Free Lessons-- https://www.levelupenglish.school/#freelessonsJoin Level Up English-- https://courses.levelupenglish.schoolBy becoming a member, you can access all podcast transcripts, listen to the private podcast and join live lessons and courses on the website.If you-d like to check out the course The Road to Advanced English Grammar, click below.Join Now: https://courses.levelupenglish.school/courses/roadtogrammarHope to see you there! Support the show

#185 Implied Meaning in English

The Level Up English Podcast

72 subscribers

As you might know, English isn-t like how we find it in textbooks. In day-to-day conversations, we often don-t speak in full sentences, and so much of what we say is implied (this means, it-s hinted at without actually saying it).In this episode, I look at some examples of implied meaning or -language ambiguity- and teach some phrases you can use in different situations.Show notes page-- https://levelupenglish.school/podcast185Sign Up for Free Lessons-- https://www.levelupenglish.school/#freelessonsJoin Level Up English-- https://courses.levelupenglish.schoolBy becoming a member, you can access all podcast transcripts, listen to the private podcast and join live lessons and courses on the website.If you-d like to check out the course The Road to Advanced English Grammar, click below.Join Now: https://courses.levelupenglish.school/courses/roadtogrammarHope to see you there! Support the show

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