#126 Why Can't I Pronounce 'TH'?

The Level Up English Podcast

54 subscribers

I had a message about ordinal numbers and, specifically, the pronunciation of the TH sound in them like in -fourth-. It-s a great question! In this episode, I go over what ordinal numbers are and give my thoughts on pronouncing them.Be sure to check out next week-s episode (the link will be here) with Pronunciation With Emma. She-s great at answering these kinds of questions!Here are my group lessons that I spoke about: http://www.ewmichael.com/group -Show notes page - https://levelupenglish.school/podcast126Join Level Up English-- https://levelupenglish.schoolTranscript-- https://courses.levelupenglish.school/transcriptsIf you-d like to check out the course The Road to Advanced English Grammar, click below.Join Now: https://courses.levelupenglish.school/courses/roadtogrammarHope to see you there! Support the show

#126 Why Can't I Pronounce 'TH'?

The Level Up English Podcast

54 subscribers

I had a message about ordinal numbers and, specifically, the pronunciation of the TH sound in them like in -fourth-. It-s a great question! In this episode, I go over what ordinal numbers are and give my thoughts on pronouncing them.Be sure to check out next week-s episode (the link will be here) with Pronunciation With Emma. She-s great at answering these kinds of questions!Here are my group lessons that I spoke about: http://www.ewmichael.com/group -Show notes page - https://levelupenglish.school/podcast126Join Level Up English-- https://levelupenglish.schoolTranscript-- https://courses.levelupenglish.school/transcriptsIf you-d like to check out the course The Road to Advanced English Grammar, click below.Join Now: https://courses.levelupenglish.school/courses/roadtogrammarHope to see you there! Support the show

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