Are you afraid to make grammar mistakes in English?

Friendlily Coach: Business English

10 subscribers

Are you afraid to make grammar errors in English? - I was afraid to make grammar errors in English because I thought people would judge me. - Just like me, 99.99% of Middle Eastern founders with weak English are afraid to make grammar errors in English. - You think that your clients, partners, and investors would: - View you as a business owner who has weak English skills. - Think that you are a local business owner. - Judge you based on your grammar errors. - I understand you because I learned English as my fourth language. - I understand what you think when your clients tell you to repeat your words because they can-t understand your words in English. - At times, you find it hard to explain yourself because you don-t want to make grammar errors. - This makes you think that you have very weak English skills. - If you are a Middle Eastern founder and you are tired of being afraid to make grammar errors in English. Listen to this business English podcast to learn how to develop strong English skills for your business. - Want more help? I can help you. Get the 7 fast ways that can help you improve your weak business English skills.- Go tap on -free business English tips-. 🔴- Need more free time, error-free business documents, business contracts - 100% privacy? Premium English proofreading and editing of your top-secret business documents. DM: PROOFREAD. Go tap on WhatsApp to DM -PROOFREAD-. 🔴- VIP Middle Eastern founders, when you are ready to grow your businesses worldwide with strong business English skills within eight months. DM -1-on-1-. -Go tap on WhatsApp to DM -1-on-1-. 🔴 To support me, buy me coffee or donate monthly.- Go tap on -Support Me-. THANKS ONCE AGAIN SEE YOU NEXT WEEK

Are you afraid to make grammar mistakes in English?

Friendlily Coach: Business English

10 subscribers

Are you afraid to make grammar errors in English? - I was afraid to make grammar errors in English because I thought people would judge me. - Just like me, 99.99% of Middle Eastern founders with weak English are afraid to make grammar errors in English. - You think that your clients, partners, and investors would: - View you as a business owner who has weak English skills. - Think that you are a local business owner. - Judge you based on your grammar errors. - I understand you because I learned English as my fourth language. - I understand what you think when your clients tell you to repeat your words because they can-t understand your words in English. - At times, you find it hard to explain yourself because you don-t want to make grammar errors. - This makes you think that you have very weak English skills. - If you are a Middle Eastern founder and you are tired of being afraid to make grammar errors in English. Listen to this business English podcast to learn how to develop strong English skills for your business. - Want more help? I can help you. Get the 7 fast ways that can help you improve your weak business English skills.- Go tap on -free business English tips-. 🔴- Need more free time, error-free business documents, business contracts - 100% privacy? Premium English proofreading and editing of your top-secret business documents. DM: PROOFREAD. Go tap on WhatsApp to DM -PROOFREAD-. 🔴- VIP Middle Eastern founders, when you are ready to grow your businesses worldwide with strong business English skills within eight months. DM -1-on-1-. -Go tap on WhatsApp to DM -1-on-1-. 🔴 To support me, buy me coffee or donate monthly.- Go tap on -Support Me-. THANKS ONCE AGAIN SEE YOU NEXT WEEK

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