Friendlily Coach: Business English
Middle Eastern founders: No matter how hard you try to listen to your foreign clients, you don-t understand them. You try so hard to understand the words of: - Your clients. - Your partners. - Your investors. Yet you don-t understand them. ✨ Many times, you have quarrels that you don-t need with them. ✨ Just because you don-t understand them and they don-t understand you. Your weak business English skills are: - Not helping your business. - Limiting your business to your country. - Making you think that you are not good enough.- Stop giving your weak business English skills so much control over your business. ? VIP Middle Eastern founders, don-t you think you need to take charge? Use the tips to improve how you can listen to and understand their words in English. I can help you. ?- Need more free time, error-free business documents, business contracts - 100% privacy? Premium English proofreading and editing of your top-secret business documents. DM: PROOFREAD. Go tap on WhatsApp to DM -PROOFREAD-. ?- VIP Middle Eastern founders, when you are ready to expand your businesses worldwide with strong business English skills within eight months. DM -1-on-1-. - Go tap on WhatsApp to DM -1-on-1-. ? To support me, buy me coffee or donate monthly.- Go tap on -Support Me-. THANKS ONCE AGAIN SEE YOU NEXT WEEK - I can help you.
Friendlily Coach: Business English
Middle Eastern founders: No matter how hard you try to listen to your foreign clients, you don-t understand them. You try so hard to understand the words of: - Your clients. - Your partners. - Your investors. Yet you don-t understand them. ✨ Many times, you have quarrels that you don-t need with them. ✨ Just because you don-t understand them and they don-t understand you. Your weak business English skills are: - Not helping your business. - Limiting your business to your country. - Making you think that you are not good enough.- Stop giving your weak business English skills so much control over your business. ? VIP Middle Eastern founders, don-t you think you need to take charge? Use the tips to improve how you can listen to and understand their words in English. I can help you. ?- Need more free time, error-free business documents, business contracts - 100% privacy? Premium English proofreading and editing of your top-secret business documents. DM: PROOFREAD. Go tap on WhatsApp to DM -PROOFREAD-. ?- VIP Middle Eastern founders, when you are ready to expand your businesses worldwide with strong business English skills within eight months. DM -1-on-1-. - Go tap on WhatsApp to DM -1-on-1-. ? To support me, buy me coffee or donate monthly.- Go tap on -Support Me-. THANKS ONCE AGAIN SEE YOU NEXT WEEK - I can help you.