Ehky Ya Masr - إحكي يا مصر

106 subscribers

Ehky Ya Masr - إحكي يا مصر is an award winning narrative podcast about life in Egypt. Ehky Ya Masr - إحكي يا مصر means "Tell your story, Egypt" in Arabic. The Ehky Ya Masr team is Refan AbdelNabi, Yasmine Bassily, Heba Fouad, Kim Fox, Sarah Hassan, Nour Ibrahim, Safaa Magdy, Kanzy Mahmoud, Sarah Safty, Nadeen Shaker and Shaza Walid. Follow us on social: #EhkyYaMasr

19 / 12 / 2021

Ehky Ya Masr's How Egypt's Water Crisis Impacts Food Production

The current water crisis in Egypt is impacted by many variables. Ehky Ya Masr executive producer Kim Fox (@ohradiogirl) asked the experts and stakeholders to share their stories of why the problems exist and what's next as it relates to water quality, water scarcity and food production in Egypt.

Introduction by Shaza Walid (@shazawalid)
Written and researched by Kim Fox and Reem Elmaghraby (@reemelmaghraby)
Interviews and nat sounds collected by Kim Fox
Original Ehky Ya Masr theme music produced by Adam Awad (@mradamawad). Find him on Instagram or visit his Facebook page

Additional music:Nile Valley in Ancient Egypt | Relaxing Music & Nature Sounds (Remastered Version) from Lonofi"Chafftop" from Blue Dot Sessions from Blue Dot Sessions"Tossed" from Blue Dot Sessions"Apollo Diedre" from Blue Dot Sessions"Last Lights" from Blue Dot Sessions
"Cinematic Tango in Wonderland"

"How Egypt's Water Crisis Impacts Food Production" is a part of the Ehky Ya Masr إحكي يا مصر Food series.

Find us online:
And find us on your favorite podcast player:
Ehky Ya Masr on Apple Podcasts @ApplePodcasts
Google Podcasts
StitcherThe full transcript will be available soon.

12 / 12 / 2021

Ehky Ya Masr's Your Favorite Food Bil Arabie

المصريون يقدرون الأكل بصفة خاصة جدًا! في هذه الحلقة من الموسم الجديد لبودكاست احكي يا مصر، نسلط الضوء على المطبخ المصري بمساعدة مستمعينا.
حلقة "أكلتك المصرية المفضلة" تقدمها شذى وليد واخرجتها ريم المغربي وكيم فوكس. موسيقى بودكاست احكي يا مصر من تأليف آدم عوض.
نشكر كل من ساهم بمشاركة أطباقهم المفضلة في هذه الحلقة:
مها بلتاجي
رحمة الله
محمد بدر
مارتن عبد الشهيد
مهند أشرف
كاثرين هارولد
محمد عيسى
نيالا واكر
مريم إسماعيل
نور الباز
ميرا واصف
وشكر خاص لجازمين بيومي ودينا صلاح الدين.
شاركونا ذكرياتكم المفضلة مع الأكل المصري على صفحتنا على فيسبوك:

This audio feature, in Arabic, captures the Egyptian food memories of some of our listeners and friends of the podcast.

The English transcript is forthcoming.

05 / 12 / 2021

Ehky Ya Masr Podcast: Feseekh: The Egyptian Dish to Die For

Feseekh is a fish dish with a long and storied history in Egypt. Ehky Ya Masr’s Reem Elmaghraby talks to the people who love it and know it and explains why it's considered deadly.

"Feseekh: The Egyptian Dish to Die For" was produced by Reem Elmaghraby (@reemelmaghraby).
Executive producer Kim Fox (@ohradiogirl).

Original Ehky Ya Masr theme music produced by Adam Awad (@mradamawad). Find him on Instagram or visit his Facebook page

Additional music from Blue Dot Sessions: "Plate Glass" by Glass Obelisk

"Feseekh: The Egyptian Dish to Die For" is a part of the Ehky Ya Masr إحكي يا مصر Food series.

Find us online:

And find us on your favorite podcast player:
Ehky Ya Masr on Apple Podcasts @ApplePodcasts
Google Podcasts

The full transcript will be available soon.

28 / 11 / 2021

Ehky Ya Masr's The Syrian Shawarma Takeover

Ehky Ya Masr's The Syrian Shawarma Takeover

Egyptians know about shawarma, but have you heard about or tasted Syrian shawarma? Ehky Ya Masr’s Calvin Harrison investigates the popularity of Syrian shawarma in Egypt.

"The Syrian Shawarma Takeover" was produced by Calvin Harrison.
Executive producer Kim Fox (@ohradiogirl).

Original Ehky Ya Masr theme music produced by Adam Awad (@mradamawad). Find him on Instagram or visit his Facebook page

"The Syrian Shawarma Takeover" is a part of the Ehky Ya Masr إحكي يا مصر Food series.

Find us online:

And find us on your favorite podcast player:
Ehky Ya Masr on Apple Podcasts @ApplePodcasts
Google Podcasts

Full transcript edited Reem Elmaghraby

21 / 11 / 2021

"Come Drink Tea, the Egyptian Way"

Food culture in Egypt is immersed with food AND drinks and ... shay (tea) is a staple with meals as well as throughout the day. Ehky Ya Masr producer Sarah Hassan explores some of Egypt's rich tea history.

"Come Drink Tea, The Egyptian Way" produced by Sarah Hassan (@SarahHassan93).
Editing By Reem Elmaghraby (@Reemelmaghraby).
Executive producer Kim Fox (@ohradiogirl).

Original Ehky Ya Masr theme music produced by Adam Awad (@mradamawad). Find him on Instagram or visit his Facebook page

"Come Drink Tea, The Egyptian Way" is a part of the Ehky Ya Masr إحكي يا مصر Food series.

Find us online:

And find us on your favorite podcast player:
Ehky Ya Masr on Apple Podcasts @ApplePodcasts
Google Podcasts

20 / 11 / 2021

The Mesaharaty-Ramadan

This promo was produced by @ShazaWalid for the Ehky Ya Masr Podcast.

You'll find the full feature on SoundCloud and PRX. You can find Shaza on Twitter at ShazaElDessouky.

20 / 11 / 2021

The Memories-Ramadan

This promo was produced by Kanzy Amr Mahmoud for the Ehky Ya Masr Podcast.

You'll find the full feature on SoundCloud and PRX. You can find @Kanzy19 on Twitter.

20 / 11 / 2021

The Fasting-Ramadan

This promo was produced by Nour Ibrahim, @nour-ibrahim-58, for the Ehky Ya Masr Podcast.

You'll find the full feature on SoundCloud and PRX. You can find Nour on Twitter at Ibrahim95Nour.

20 / 11 / 2021

The Hijiri Calendar-Ramadan (Arabic)

This promo was produced by Sarah Hassan for the Ehky Ya Masr Podcast.

You'll find the full feature on SoundCloud and PRX. You can find Sarah on Twitter at sarah_hassan93.

20 / 11 / 2021

The Economy-Ramadan

This promo was produced by Sarah El Safty, @arahlafty, for the Ehky Ya Masr Podcast.

You'll find the full feature on SoundCloud and PRX. You can find Sarah on Twitter at SarahSafty.

Ehky Ya Masr - إحكي يا مصر
106 subscribers

Ehky Ya Masr - إحكي يا مصر is an award winning narrative podcast about life in Egypt. Ehky Ya Masr - إحكي يا مصر means "Tell your story, Egypt" in Arabic. The Ehky Ya Masr team is Refan AbdelNabi, Yasmine Bassily, Heba Fouad, Kim Fox, Sarah Hassan, Nour Ibrahim, Safaa Magdy, Kanzy Mahmoud, Sarah Safty, Nadeen Shaker and Shaza Walid. Follow us on social: #EhkyYaMasr

19 / 12 / 2021

Ehky Ya Masr's How Egypt's Water Crisis Impacts Food Production

The current water crisis in Egypt is impacted by many variables. Ehky Ya Masr executive producer Kim Fox (@ohradiogirl) asked the experts and stakeholders to share their stories of why the problems exist and what's next as it relates to water quality, water scarcity and food production in Egypt.

Introduction by Shaza Walid (@shazawalid)
Written and researched by Kim Fox and Reem Elmaghraby (@reemelmaghraby)
Interviews and nat sounds collected by Kim Fox
Original Ehky Ya Masr theme music produced by Adam Awad (@mradamawad). Find him on Instagram or visit his Facebook page

Additional music:Nile Valley in Ancient Egypt | Relaxing Music & Nature Sounds (Remastered Version) from Lonofi"Chafftop" from Blue Dot Sessions from Blue Dot Sessions"Tossed" from Blue Dot Sessions"Apollo Diedre" from Blue Dot Sessions"Last Lights" from Blue Dot Sessions
"Cinematic Tango in Wonderland"

"How Egypt's Water Crisis Impacts Food Production" is a part of the Ehky Ya Masr إحكي يا مصر Food series.

Find us online:
And find us on your favorite podcast player:
Ehky Ya Masr on Apple Podcasts @ApplePodcasts
Google Podcasts
StitcherThe full transcript will be available soon.

12 / 12 / 2021

Ehky Ya Masr's Your Favorite Food Bil Arabie

المصريون يقدرون الأكل بصفة خاصة جدًا! في هذه الحلقة من الموسم الجديد لبودكاست احكي يا مصر، نسلط الضوء على المطبخ المصري بمساعدة مستمعينا.
حلقة "أكلتك المصرية المفضلة" تقدمها شذى وليد واخرجتها ريم المغربي وكيم فوكس. موسيقى بودكاست احكي يا مصر من تأليف آدم عوض.
نشكر كل من ساهم بمشاركة أطباقهم المفضلة في هذه الحلقة:
مها بلتاجي
رحمة الله
محمد بدر
مارتن عبد الشهيد
مهند أشرف
كاثرين هارولد
محمد عيسى
نيالا واكر
مريم إسماعيل
نور الباز
ميرا واصف
وشكر خاص لجازمين بيومي ودينا صلاح الدين.
شاركونا ذكرياتكم المفضلة مع الأكل المصري على صفحتنا على فيسبوك:

This audio feature, in Arabic, captures the Egyptian food memories of some of our listeners and friends of the podcast.

The English transcript is forthcoming.

05 / 12 / 2021

Ehky Ya Masr Podcast: Feseekh: The Egyptian Dish to Die For

Feseekh is a fish dish with a long and storied history in Egypt. Ehky Ya Masr’s Reem Elmaghraby talks to the people who love it and know it and explains why it's considered deadly.

"Feseekh: The Egyptian Dish to Die For" was produced by Reem Elmaghraby (@reemelmaghraby).
Executive producer Kim Fox (@ohradiogirl).

Original Ehky Ya Masr theme music produced by Adam Awad (@mradamawad). Find him on Instagram or visit his Facebook page

Additional music from Blue Dot Sessions: "Plate Glass" by Glass Obelisk

"Feseekh: The Egyptian Dish to Die For" is a part of the Ehky Ya Masr إحكي يا مصر Food series.

Find us online:

And find us on your favorite podcast player:
Ehky Ya Masr on Apple Podcasts @ApplePodcasts
Google Podcasts

The full transcript will be available soon.

28 / 11 / 2021

Ehky Ya Masr's The Syrian Shawarma Takeover

Ehky Ya Masr's The Syrian Shawarma Takeover

Egyptians know about shawarma, but have you heard about or tasted Syrian shawarma? Ehky Ya Masr’s Calvin Harrison investigates the popularity of Syrian shawarma in Egypt.

"The Syrian Shawarma Takeover" was produced by Calvin Harrison.
Executive producer Kim Fox (@ohradiogirl).

Original Ehky Ya Masr theme music produced by Adam Awad (@mradamawad). Find him on Instagram or visit his Facebook page

"The Syrian Shawarma Takeover" is a part of the Ehky Ya Masr إحكي يا مصر Food series.

Find us online:

And find us on your favorite podcast player:
Ehky Ya Masr on Apple Podcasts @ApplePodcasts
Google Podcasts

Full transcript edited Reem Elmaghraby

21 / 11 / 2021

"Come Drink Tea, the Egyptian Way"

Food culture in Egypt is immersed with food AND drinks and ... shay (tea) is a staple with meals as well as throughout the day. Ehky Ya Masr producer Sarah Hassan explores some of Egypt's rich tea history.

"Come Drink Tea, The Egyptian Way" produced by Sarah Hassan (@SarahHassan93).
Editing By Reem Elmaghraby (@Reemelmaghraby).
Executive producer Kim Fox (@ohradiogirl).

Original Ehky Ya Masr theme music produced by Adam Awad (@mradamawad). Find him on Instagram or visit his Facebook page

"Come Drink Tea, The Egyptian Way" is a part of the Ehky Ya Masr إحكي يا مصر Food series.

Find us online:

And find us on your favorite podcast player:
Ehky Ya Masr on Apple Podcasts @ApplePodcasts
Google Podcasts

20 / 11 / 2021

The Mesaharaty-Ramadan

This promo was produced by @ShazaWalid for the Ehky Ya Masr Podcast.

You'll find the full feature on SoundCloud and PRX. You can find Shaza on Twitter at ShazaElDessouky.

20 / 11 / 2021

The Memories-Ramadan

This promo was produced by Kanzy Amr Mahmoud for the Ehky Ya Masr Podcast.

You'll find the full feature on SoundCloud and PRX. You can find @Kanzy19 on Twitter.

20 / 11 / 2021

The Fasting-Ramadan

This promo was produced by Nour Ibrahim, @nour-ibrahim-58, for the Ehky Ya Masr Podcast.

You'll find the full feature on SoundCloud and PRX. You can find Nour on Twitter at Ibrahim95Nour.

20 / 11 / 2021

The Hijiri Calendar-Ramadan (Arabic)

This promo was produced by Sarah Hassan for the Ehky Ya Masr Podcast.

You'll find the full feature on SoundCloud and PRX. You can find Sarah on Twitter at sarah_hassan93.

20 / 11 / 2021

The Economy-Ramadan

This promo was produced by Sarah El Safty, @arahlafty, for the Ehky Ya Masr Podcast.

You'll find the full feature on SoundCloud and PRX. You can find Sarah on Twitter at SarahSafty.


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