Casual Talks With Soudan #011 - Seif Shawkat & Maged Attalla

Casual Talks With Soudan

331 subscribers

Maged Attalla is a filmmaker, photographer, and graphic designer. Maged was also chosen to be part of a new governmental initiative called New Media Ambassadors. Seif Shawkat is a part time video editor, VFX artist, and motion designer. Seif is also studying electronics engineering at AUC.

Casual Talks With Soudan #011 - Seif Shawkat & Maged Attalla

Casual Talks With Soudan

331 subscribers

Maged Attalla is a filmmaker, photographer, and graphic designer. Maged was also chosen to be part of a new governmental initiative called New Media Ambassadors. Seif Shawkat is a part time video editor, VFX artist, and motion designer. Seif is also studying electronics engineering at AUC.

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